Friends of Kents Hill Junior School
PTA Sponsored Pancake Toss
To celebrate pancake day on Tuesday 1st March 2022, the whole school will take part in a pancake flipping competition. You can sponsor your child to flip as many pancakes as they can. You can do a fix fee or a small amount per toss - it’s up to you! All money raised will go towards the PTA. Please use the link below to sponsor your child:
A big welcome to all new members of Friends of Kents Hill Junior School!
Why do we have Friends of Kents Hill?
Friends of Kents Hill Junior School (previously Kents Hill Junior School PTA) are a friendly group of parents, grandparents, carers and teachers who meet to arrange fundraising events for the school. All parents of children who attend are automatically members. The committee is a non profit-making registered charity that provides an opportunity for friends of our school to play an active role in supporting the school, staff and governors.
We are extremely conscious and proud of the ethos and morals of the school, and we try very hard when organising and planning events to respect this.
What do we raise money for?
Friends of Kents Hill Junior School raise money for all those extra resources that we know the children appreciate and enjoy. New equipment for the playground and reading garden, reading books, the Christmas panto, Christmas crackers, refreshments at sports days/performances and much more!
- Christmas Disco
- Film evening
- Inflatable afternoon and BBQ
Kents Hill Junior School have recently purchased ‘now>press>play’ which is a fantastic immersive audio resource for all pupils. This resource enables children to explore the curriculum through emotion, imagination and movement.
Every child receives a pair of wireless headphones where they hear a story and become the main character. They meet new people within this story, discover new places and solve problems on an educational adventure. There are various stories that link in with the curriculum across the whole school, so everyone can enjoy and learn through these new experiences!
The school council were recently very fortunate to partake in a taster session led by a member of ‘now>press>play’ and their responses regarding the resource was shared with members of staff. Below are quotes from some of the school councillors about their experience.
‘The experience was very enjoyable because we could move around whilst learning. It supports us in becoming a healthier school as we are active in our learning.’
‘I feel it was very unique and something new that has not been introduced to the school before, I am sure that my friends and class mates will thoroughly enjoy learning through now press play!’
To see ‘now>press>play’ in action and read more about the amazing resource use the link below;

How do I get involved?
We welcome new members to attend our meetings. They are very relaxed and informal and everyone is welcome to attend. There is no pressure to come to every meeting or be involved in every event.
Dates of meetings are sent out via parentmail and school newsletter.
You can also contact us via email
Or you can simply contact the School office for any more details.
How to support us?
To help raise funds, purchase your internet shopping through the link below, thank you.
Introduction to The Friends of Kents Hill and to join click here.
Thank you for your continued support it is hugely appreciated.