Week beginning: 10.01.2022
This week in Year 4 we started our new topic 'Make a Difference'. We started the new term by doing lots of fun activities to get us hooked and exposed to the topic!
We made protest posters about climate change and plastic pollution. First, we sketched them out onto A4 and once we were happy with our final design, we sketched them out onto A3 card and used paint to make them eye-catching!
We have displayed the children's fantastic work on our communal year group displays - it looks fantastic!
We also got to use Now Press Play again! This time we were transported hundreds of years into the future where the planet was in a real state! People had stopped recycling and the world had begun to run out of supplies!
In our reading lessons this week we started our new class book, Hope Jones Saves the World! She said she wants her family to give up plastic to help the planet! The book is written in blog posts which are really interesting, we've only read the first few blogs so we have been making lots of predications about the book!
We've also been reading a variety of texts on Greta Thunberg, we've been using our retrieval skills to pick out key, important information from the texts!
In history this week we were looking at a variety of historical sources around climate change. We looked at both primary and secondary sources, including pictures, graphs, speeches and new reports. We then had a class debate where each group shared the source they thought was most reliable!
In art this week we have been looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy. We looked at how he used natural materials to create sculptures outdoors. This week, we practiced a variety of sketching techniques, including stippling, cross-hatching and smudging. We then used these skills to sketch a natural object that we had found from the eco-garden!
In PSHE this week we started our new unit, Dreams and Goals! We thought about how it felt to have dreams and goals, what our dreams and goals are and how we would feel if we couldn't achieve our dreams and goals!