Week beginning: 23.05.2022
This week in year 4 we have been creating our final sketch of the Taj Mahal. We sketching the landmark onto our water colour background - first using pencil and then going over the sketch in a black handwriting pen to make it pop. We worked hard to ensure our proportions were accurate and the building was an appropriate size.
We finished our jungle adventure stories this week in our writing lessons. We made sure the story had a big climax in the middle which involve a dramatic, tense problem! We then included a resolution and conclusion to round our story off. We worked hard to ensure all our non-negotiables were present (capital letters and full stops). Lots of us tried to include show not tell sentences to describe the characters emotions and we al punctuated a sentence of speech correctly too!
In French lessons this week, we finished our double page spreads! This showcases all of our learning from this half term on the topic 'En Classe'. We filled the pages with key vocabulary of stationary items and classroom commands. We then wrote sentences in French explained what stationary we do and don't have. These double page spreads look fantastic and we worked so hard on them to make them as neat and eye-catching as possible!