Week beginning: 02.05.2022
In year 5 this week we have been continuing working on decimals! We have been ensuring to put each digit into the correct place values when adding and subtracting decimals within 1.
5LJ and 5JW completed their first session of swimming and absolutely loved it! We got to practise lots of different swimming strokes and techniques with the help of our swimming instructor. 5EKF are very excited for their first session!
Using our knowledge of African animals, we created Dinka poems about an elephant, lion or meerkat. Firstly, we researched different types of poems and the features of a Dinka poem, then we created word blasts full of vocabulary and descriptive language and finally went on to writing our own poems. Once our poems were perfected, we performed them to our group ensuring that we used a change of voice and tone to make our performances the best that they could be!