Week beginning: 11.10.2021
This week in Year 4 we got a letter from Wallace and Gromit! They needed our help! Unfortunately, they had their inventions stolen and couldn't remember how they worked. We watched a video of the 'Snoozatron' invention and created a blueprint showing how the invention works at each step. Then we wrote an informative writing piece explaining how the Snoozatron works. We made sure to include time connectives, expanded noun phrases and adjectives in our writing to make sure we were as clear as possible!

In our history lessons we have been learning about Mayan inventions. We learnt that the Mayan civilisation invented chocolate, rubber and a Mayan calendar. We created a travel leaflet introducing people to the Mayan civilisation and to their key inventions.
In maths we have continued our learning on the column method. We have been learning how to add and subtract 3- and 4-digit numbers. We have used numicon to work practically and consolidate our learning whilst practising the learning.
This week we have continued to read more of the Invention of Hugo Cabret. We have been making lots of predications about the text, thinking about what is going to come next. We have thought about the authors choices and discussed why they tried to include certain vocabulary and illustrations.