Week beginning: 21.03.2022
We have been working so hard in maths this week to continue solving fractions calculations! We have been practising how to multiply unit fractions by an integer, multiply non-unit fractions by an integer and multiplying mixed numbers by a whole number. Our teachers have been so impressed with how hard we have been working on our fraction problems!
Using the information that we collected last week about Mars, we have begun independently writing a radio transmission to inform Earth that we have crash landed on Mars! We have been using the features to inform to write each part of our transmission, such as: communicating safety, explaining the disaster, proving our determination, showing our ambition, the adventures that call us and our achievements and inspiration.
We have been working on our DT project of creating a CAM Toy that has moving parts to entertain children that have an interest in space. With a partner, we created a design criteria and a plan of our CAM toy ensuring that it would have moving parts. We then moved on to begin creating our CAM toy by decorating our frame with a space theme.
Whilst learning about air resistance in science, we discussed the importance of parachutes needing to slow down whilst gravity is pulling them to the ground and how air resistance plays a part in this. We then used what we learned to choose appropriate materials to construct our own parachute to safely deliver an egg to the ground. We had to ensure that the materials that we chose would create air resistance to allow our egg to travel slowly to the ground without being damaged.