Week beginning: 21.03.2022
This week in Year 4 the first two classes went out for their litter picking trip. We walked around the local area and found an alarming about of litter. We picked up what we safely could, using gloves and litter pickers to tidy up the paths around Kents Hill Junior School. We are proud to be making a different. The final two classes are looking forward to going on their walks on Monday to help tidy up Benfleet!
In maths this week we have continued our learning on decimals. We have been learning how to order, compare and round decimals with one decimal place. We have worked hard to gain a secure understanding of rounding decimals and made sure we really understood the rules of which tenths number round up or down.
In our writing lessons we have continued to write our plastic pollution speech. We have concentrated on using more advanced vocabulary such as hyphens and semi colons. We have outlined our key aim in our speeches and included hard-hitting statistics to capture the reader's attention.
In PSHE this week, as part of our healthy me topic, we have looked at the negative health effects that smoking can have on us. We thought about how peer pressure can influence people to start smoking and ways we can avoid giving in to peer pressure. We then created a comic strip whereby someone offered a child a cigarette, then declined and then explained the reasons why they chose not to smoke.
In science this week we have been making classification keys. We thought about how we can group and organise different living things. We made sure the keys were very clear by using a ruler.