Week beginning: 28.03.2022
This week in year 4, we were so excited to take part in Roots to Food sessions. Each class took the time to create a delicious Indian curry! We developed our food technology skills such as chopping, marinating and slicing. We had fantastic listening skills and worked so well as a team! We have had so much fun!
In maths lessons, we have started to learning all about money! We have been using our knowledge of decimals to help us. We learnt that pounds have two decimal places after them and we have been working on converting pounds to pence and vice versa.
In writing lessons, we finished our plastic pollution persuasive speeches! We have worked so hard on these over the last few weeks and we are so proud of ourselves. For some of us, this is our best piece of writing yet! We worked hard to include persuasive features such as rhetorical questions and statistics.
We then recorded our speeches during computing lessons to turn them into a podcast! We made sure we used clear voices and tried to eliminate any background noise too!
In music, we created a single page spread to showcase our learning from this term! We explained that we had been learning to play a song on the glockenspiels and xylophones. We learnt about different notes and how many beats they are worth and created our own acronyms for remembering where the notes site on a music stave.