Week beginning: 29.11.2021
This week in Year 4 we have started looking at a range of twisted fairytales. We read a twisted fairytale called 'The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig'. At the start of the week the Big Bad Pig even came into school and destroyed our classrooms! We were all on the hunt for him as a result! Later in the week we started to adapt the story even further by changing characters in the story and the materials the characters were building their houses from. For example, some of us changed the house of bricks to a house of emeralds! We have been having so much fun putting our own spin on this twisted fairytale and we will be continuing with our writing next week!
We have also read another twisted fairytale! We read an adaptation of the classic story, The Gingerbread man which was called 'The Ninjabread Man'. We thought about the authors choice of vocabulary, why the author chose to change the story and how this new adapted version was engaging with its audience.
In PSHE this week we continued with our learning on the topic 'Celebrating differences'. This week we discussed what we liked about our physical appearance and how sometimes there can be pressure put on the way we look because of the assumptions and judgements we think people could make. We discussed the importance of accepting people for the person they are and not judging people based on the way someone looks.
In science this week we continued our learning on electricity. This week we built simple circuits and identified common insulators and conductors. We knew if a material was a conductor because the lightbulb in the circuits would still light up. We learnt that conductors let electrical charge pass through them, we found out that most conductors were made of metal materials. We also made our own circuit switches with paperclips.
This week we also created Christmas drawings for Basildon hospital to use to decorate their wards. We had so much fun creating cheerful, colouring and creative drawings to bring the patients lots of joy. We watched and followed along to drawing tutorials of Christmassy objects, including a gingerbread house and a cartoon reindeer!