Week beginning: 31.01.2022
This week in Year 5, we have started working on fractions! We have persevered to complete a variety of calculations and problems based on equivalent fractions, converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and mixed numbers to improper fractions.
In our new writing topic, we have been exploring the features of persuasive writing. We are going to be writing persuasive letters to persuade the reader to become an astronaut to enable them to travel to space! Using our previous knowledge of persuasive writing, we practised using emotive language, rhetorical questions, exaggeration, flattery and alliteration.
Our reading lessons have revolved around books based on the Middle Eastern countries, such as 'The Breadwinner' by Deborah Ellis, an informative text about Gertrude Bell and an informative article called 'Searching for Hidden Beauty Across The Middle East'.
Using our Lego Spike resources, we planned and created a space robot to explore space and planets by ensuring that they can avoid any obstacles to prevent any damages to the robot. We then tested our robots by putting objects in their path to see whether the coding would allow the robots to stop and avoid them.
How do we know if planets are spherical? We created a 'YouTube style' video to teach others about our understanding of planets and their spherical shapes. Using our knowledge of the planets and using evidence to support our ideas, we created an informative video to explain our points.
Aliens - Real or conspiracy theories? We investigated the history of conspiracy theories specifically of the supposed alien craft crash landing in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. We discussed the different reasons that were given as to what the crash landing was and why it was so secretive and whether we thought that this was the truth or not. We believed that it was all rather suspicious, especially as 50 years later they revealed a new story!