Week beginning: 24.01.2022
This week in Year 4 we have been learning all about the Water Cycle!
In our science lesson this week we explored all key stages of the water cycle and learned about how the water changes state at various points. We ordered the stages of the water cycle into chronological order and explained exactly what happens at each point.
We have started a new writing unit this week! This time, we are writing to inform! We are transforming into a water droplet and taking on the role of a tour guide to all the small, new water droplets. Next week we will be writing a factual tour of the water cycle, informing all the other droplets about what occurs in the cycle. This week we explored what a tour was and the key features such as, facts, audience participation and exploring key sights.
We ordered a factual tour to see how all the features were structured and we acted out each part of the water cycle to really familiarise us with the science, ready for our writing next week.
In our geography lesson this week we learnt about landfill sites and how they have a negative impact on the environment, both on land and in the ocean. We also thought about some solutions to help reduce the negative effect on the planet.
In music lessons this week we continued learning Blackbird by The Beatles. Now we have perfected the lyrics, we have started learning how to play the song on instruments. This week we were practicing the song on the glockenspiels!
In maths this week we continued our learning on division. We have now learnt how to use the bus stop method to work out 2 and 3 digit by a 1 digit number division! This week we also did a division investigation using lollipop sticks to help us!