Lunch Menu
Eating lunch together is a really important part of the school day and is crucial in the development of children. It is a key time, where the children are encouraged to be independent, develop social skills and also good table manners.
School Meals:
School dinners are a very popular choice, with a range of well-balanced and healthy options which are changed on a weekly basis. The children are given the choice of a meat or vegetarian option or a jacket potato as well as having access to a salad cart. The school menu is adapted termly and these are available in the school reception.
Packed Lunch:
If you prefer, your child may bring into school a packed lunch. We ask that you ensure that these lunches are healthy and well balanced as we do encourage healthy eating at school. Here are some healthy packed lunch ideas.
Things to avoid:
The school is a nut free school therefore, we ask you to check food items carefully and avoid nut products in lunch boxes. Sweets, chocolates and fizzy drinks are not appropriate at school. Please ensure you do not give your child glass bottles or breakable containers.
Meals can be paid for in advance weekly, half termly or for the whole term. Payment can be made online using our card payment service. You are also able to pay by cheque or cash by placing this in a named envelope.
Free Meals Entitlement:
Your child may be entitled to a free school lunch if you are on certain benefits and have a low income e.g. Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance. The school office will be happy to advise you about this and to help you complete the appropriate forms. If your child is eligible for free school lunch, please register their entitlement even if they have packed lunches. This can affect school funding and will make you automatically eligible for grants for school journeys.
As well as being encouraged to socialise in the dining hall, the children are given the opportunity to take part in several sports at lunchtimes as well as having access to the school library and reading garden. All of these are run by the MDA’s and Playleaders.