Week beginning: 16.05.2022
This week in Year 4 we have been comparing life for school aged children in India and the UK. We learnt about an Indian school called Vidyodaya and thought about the similarities and differences between our school and theirs. Did you know the Vidyodaya school have just one laptop to share with everyone! We then looked in depth at an Indian boy named Pavarthy's day. He lives in Chembakoli and has to wake up at 5:30AM to collect water and the get to school! We thought about how that was different to our daily lives. We created a 'wheel of the day' to show what we get up to each day. We made sure to draw a neat key so it was clear what our symbols represented.
We have started to plan our Indian adventure story this week! We thought about the problem that could occur in the story - we've been very imaginative! Some of us are going to make our character lost in the jungle, others have chosen to be chased by a wild animal and some of us have decided, since learning about deforestation in science, to write about a mudslide occurring and our character being injured! We're very excited to get started with our introductions soon!
This week we were also introduced to our next class text, When The Mountains Roared. First we made some predications about what the text was going to be about. We used our inferencing skills on the front cover and blurb to make our predications. We then read chapters 1 and 2 of the story and WOW! We are hook! We made some initial assumptions about some of the main characters so far and we can't wait to read more! Chapter 2 left us on a real cliff hanger!
In art this week we spent some time having another practice of water colour backgrounds. We practiced creating a gradient effect using the different colours. We then picked our favourite design and painted it onto plain paper ready to begin our final piece. Once our backgrounds are dry, we will be sketching the Taj Mahal over the top!