Week beginning: 31.01.2022
This week in year 4 we got to use Scratch again! This time we used count-controlled loops to create a toy giveaway app on Scratch! First, we read the code and tried to make predictions about what each toy would do when the code was launched. Then we ran the code and saw if our predictions were correct! Then we made small modifications to the code to make each toy sprite do something different! Some of us even challenged ourselves to create a brand-new toy to add onto the Scratch giveaway app.
In maths this week we have been learning all about area. We learnt how to work out the area of a shape by counting the squares. We tried hard to make sure we counted carefully and didn't count any square twice to ensure we were accurate.
In writing this week we continued our factual tour on the water cycle. We wrote about condensation and precipitation. We learnt how to include parentheses in our writing this week and tried hard to include it to add extra details for our readers!
In RE this week, we learnt about Humanist celebrations. We looked at Humanist weddings and baby naming ceremonies in more detail. We compared these against Christian weddings and christenings to see any similarities and differences there are! We learnt about 4 wedding symbols often included in a Humanist wedding and what they mean/represent. We then wrote a piece of advice onto a leaf for a new born baby. Our advice gave them guidance on how to live a good, purposeful life - this is a Humanist tradition at a baby naming ceremony!
We were lucky enough to have a visitor from Water Aid come into school this week to give us a talk all about the work that Water Aid do. We learnt about a range of problems people around the world face in relation to their water and how Water Aid are trying to help them. We also thought about anything we could do to help and how lucky we were to have access to clean water!